
works that have published letters to Henry James

“Appendix: Four Letters from Constance Fenimore Woolson to Henry James.” Henry James Letters.

     Volume 3. Ed. Leon Edel. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980. 523-62. The only surviving letters of

     James's and Woolson's correspondence.

The Correspondence of Henry James and Henry Adams 1877-1914. Ed. George Monteiro. Baton

     Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1992. Thirty-two surviving letters between the two authors named

     Henry and four letters by James to Clover Hooper (Mrs. Henry) Adams.

The Correspondence of Henry James and the House of Macmillan: 1877-1914. Ed. Rayburn S.

     Moore. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1993. 318 letters between James and the London

     publishing house.

The Correspondence of William James. Volumes 1-3. Ed. Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M.

     Berkeley. Charlottesville: U Virginia P, 1992-1994. The first three volumes of this twelve-volume

     work contain all the extant letters between William and Henry James.

Henry James and Edith Wharton: Letters: 1900-1915. Ed. Lyall H. Powers. New York: Scribner's,

     1990. 180 letters by James and Wharton, including thirty letters by Wharton to Theodora

     Bosanquet, James's amanuensis.

Henry James and H. G. Wells: A Record of their Friendship, their Debate on the Art of Fiction,

     and their Quarrel
. Ed. Leon Edel and Gordon N. Ray. Urbana: U Illinois P, 1958; rpt. Westport:

     Greenwood, 1979. Letters between the two authors and their publications about each other.

Henry James and John Hay: The Record of a Friendship. Ed. George Monteiro. Providence: Brown

     UP, 1965. Forty-eight letters between James and Hay and three letters by James to Clara Stone

     (Mrs. John) Hay.

Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson: A Record of Friendship and Criticism. Ed. Janet Adam

     Smith. London: Hart-Davis, 1948. Forty-one letters between the two authors, one letter by

     James to Fanny Stevenson, and the authors' published writings about each other.

LeClair, Robert C. “Henry James and Minny Temple.” American Literature 21 (March 1949):35-48.

     This article about the relationship between James and his cousin also prints her three surviving

     letters to him.

Letters, Fictions, Lives: Henry James and William Dean Howells. Ed. Michael Anesko. New York:

     Oxford UP, 1997. Most, but not all, of the extant letters between Howells and James plus

     criticism that the two wrote about each others' work.

“Lettres de Tourguéneff à Henry James.” Ed. Jean Seznec. Comparative Literature 1 (1949): 193-

     209. All of Ivan Turgenev's extant letters to James. One of these is reprinted in: Turgenev's

     Letters: A Selection
, Ed. Edgar H. Lehrman. (New York: Knopf, 1961), 262-66.

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